
And life begins

I am three days into Spring Semester. I think calling it spring semester is being generous because I am pretty sure Spring doesn't hit until April around here, and by the time that's here there is only a month left of school. So on that note, I have started PFY or "Professional Final Year"...at least that's what I think it stands for haha. I will start my student teaching the last three weeks of the semester and then finish up all Fall semester. And then I'm done. Weird.
This semester is going to be a busy one, but nothing that isn't manageable. School has been a part of my life for long enough that not too much phases me. It's always one more assignment, one more paper, one more project. And they always get done one way or another, even if it means staying up til 2am to finish it.

I managed to organize my room a bit, so a result of this is feeling more organized all around. simplify. Simplify.

I have also started my Photo a day goal. So far so good. I am going to have to get creative about what my subjects will be though, something new everyday.

Unfortunately I believe this post is only happening to further put off homework, but I have accepted my procrastination skills. Like I said before, the work always gets done.

Winter break was amazing. Here are a few pics from the week at the cabin. Enjoy!

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