

The weekend.

It was one of those weeks that seemed to crawl by. It will probably be a pretty relaxed weekend because we are in the middle of a snow/ice storm. It is supposed to go through Sunday which ultimately means I am hoping Monday classes will be cancelled. The chances of this happening are quite low, but I can't help but wait for the text alert. I could handle another four day week. I am thinking a quiet day at home with coffee and homework surrounding me is on the schedule. It is always a little easier to get lesson plans done when going outside isn't an option. I am hoping Ben will brave the icy roads since he only lives one minute away. His company will help break up the monotony of Homework. I am also reading a book by Elizabeth Elliot which seems to call my name more than homework does. I figure if I trade off a chapter for 30 minutes of homework I will be mildly productive.

Ok...now I'm off to convince Ben to drive me home so I can go to bed :)
Bekah and Ben are in an intense Mario Kart battle so I don't know if I will be successful quite yet.

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