
A well photographed weekend.

Our weekend was filled with many things: good friends, good food, afternoon walks, melting snow, a trip to the cities, a trip up north, iced coffee, a big fish, visiting both families, a walk with our nephew and sister-in-law, a basketball game, afternoons spent driving to nowhere in particular, warm sunshine, wind & rain, lazy days, popcorn mixed with m&ms, zumba workouts, early birthday celebrations, swimming, playing a little blackjack, long car rides, good conversations, naps, staying up late, sleeping in... oh I could go on and on. The photos below depict a few of these things, but many were too busy being enjoyed to take out my camera. 

A weekend overflowing with blessings. I hope each one of you were able to enjoy your own little adventure this past weekend too...

1 comment:

  1. Great photos Britta! It sounds like my kind of weekend :).



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