
My weekend and a day off.

Can you blame me if one of the tiniest reasons I love being in Education is that I get all Holidays off?  I don't work today or Tuesday so I am trying to balance out my time with relaxing and productiveness. So far I have only really tackled the relaxing part, but I have high hopes and a long list for the second part. Currently, I am wearing my pajamas still and a large cozy sweatshirts of my husband's. I must admit that I enjoy having his wardrobe to peruse on days I feel like being swallowed by a cozy sweatshirt. Add a cup of coffee and some time spent reading...perfection.

I have began a knitting project this weekend. It has been a year or so since I've spent time knitting because I feel like I would be breaking a law if I did it during the beautiful summer months. It is much more suited to cozy evenings spent indoors while the temperature drops below zero outside. While knitting, I am reminded how much patience it takes, and for me this is a struggle because I like picking up a project and finishing it before putting it away. So I tell myself to slow down (which is a good lesson to learn in life as well). I will show you the finished project when it is complete, and if I commit to be patient this means it will be a few weeks. If I suddenly show you pictures at the end of the week you will know I lost my battle with patience.

We woke up this morning to a few more inches of snow. I am thankful that it covers the ugliness of the brown slush that we were left with during last week's warm up. I think I was also spoiled from spending the weekend at my family's cabin where everything is a beautiful clean white each and everyday. This weekend was another  cold snap so we didn't make it outside at all, but we did manage to play a few (and by few I mean 20) games of dominoes.

There was a little glimpse into my weekend. I hope to catch up on my blogging during my mini vacation. 


  1. yes. No Rook...too dangerous without you there as the mediator. Seriously.



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